Monday, June 3, 2013


Two quotes combined today because yesterday was just a tad bit overwhelming! I was privileged enough to be a part of an annual project that is nothing short of extraordinary.

The group that I am a part of was able to donate a check to All Children's Hospital for more than $350,000!!! That is from nine separate branches holding all sorts of fundraisers throughout the past year. What an amazing accomplishment from an amazing group of volunteers!

Secondly, thanks to wonderfully supportive friends and family, my son Miles was able to donate $2,000 that we collected in just two weeks! Not too shabby and a wonderful endeavor. Shadowed, completely, of course by the exemplary piece he put together as a feature for the telethon.

It is both a humbling and uplifting experience to be a part of something much larger than yourself. This facility is where I truly learned that this journey has nothing to do with what I can accumulate or accomplish for myself, but rather what I can do ~ in any manner ~ to assist others.

And so . . . from Isak Dinesen, "Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever." Followed quickly by Thomas Edison's, "When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this . . . you haven't."

We cannot change the circumstances that life hands us, but what we do about them is entirely up to you. I was part, yesterday, of an event that used to last two and a half days. Yesterday, in a span of approximately twelve . . . 12! . . . hours, they raised more than FOUR MILLION DOLLARS!!!



  1. HOLY SHNIKIES!!!!!!!! WOW!!! Congrats to all those that work so hard for the All Children's team!!!

    1. You ain't kidding Ali! HOLY SHNIKIES is right!!! xoxo
