Monday, June 10, 2013

I am refreshed!

Like the glorious smell after a crisp Spring rain, or the feeling of mountain-cooled fresh air filling your lungs, or the sight of an indescribable vista. . . I am refreshed.

I woke up with a weight upon me yesterday. I felt sad and burdened and isolated. I also had that dull pre-migraine pain behind my eyes almost all day long. Not a good way to start the day.

However . . .

I have learned to ask for help.

I asked for a little love. A little attention. A bit of support. And boy howdy, it came pouring in from everywhere. Emails, messages, phone calls, etc. And . . . the icing on the proverbial cake . . . attending a precious one-year-old's birthday party. I held little babies whose mother's I still don't know. I danced with nutty little 14-month olds. I fed the birthday boy who more than once wanted to be held by yours truly. I chatted with 5 and 6 and 7 and 9 year olds . . . and a few adults as well. My head was splitting, but my heart was singing.

There is just such joy in children. I am blessed to have been invited to such a milestone event, and much more privileged to have played with all those babies!

Today . . . I am refreshed and renewed and reinvigorated and ready for whatever comes. I cannot control certain things. Kids will teach you that!

And so . . . I will roll with the day, and the week, and the month, and the coming year.

Thank you so much for your support and your kindness and for sharing your children.

I am refreshed!

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