Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Just Be You

For eons I have said this to my children. During adolescence there seems to be this wicked little ride on which most kids change their personalities, behaviors, and general being on a weekly basis to try to fit in with this group or that group or to make friends with this person or that person. It takes a while for them to learn that the best person to be is . . . YOU!

This doesn't change as we get older either!

You're never going to be a really good somebody else. You are, however, the most incredible YOU this earth will ever see.

I used to try to behave a certain way, talk a certain way, dress a certain way and walk a certain path that I truly THOUGHT was appropriate. It wasn't til, seriously, about eight years ago that I really took note of the things I stood for and . . . stood up! I stepped out on a limb, took a stance, spoke my mind, and became ME! I might have shown rare glimmers of it prior to that, but it was that moment, when I defined myself and my own morals, that I found out who I am and that whoever that is . . . is pretty OK!

I took a beating for doing it, but I survived and with my integrity, self respect, and self worth in tact and better than ever. It was a tiny victory for me that turned into something much, much bigger. It led me . . . to me!

Now I may not be as fit as I'd like. I might really want to lose another 15 pounds or so. I may hate my hair most days. I may wish I had that movie star smile that both my children have. BUT . . . what I've learned and who I have become truly puts that stuff in perspective.

I am ME! I am the best ME there will ever be because there simply is not another soul on this planet that is ME.

And, in that regard, YOU are the ONLY you there will ever be. Don't alter, amend, or adjust yourself.

Just Be You!

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