Thursday, June 6, 2013

Travel well

Met up with an old friend last night. It was nice.

We talked a little business and then much more personal.

What came to light for me is that she never thought she would be a divorced mother trying to survive on her own. And I never thought I would have seriously ill children. When we begin life, we use those rose-colored glasses for a great many vistas. It's just what you do. The world is your oyster and there are no boundaries. We stand at the door of adulthood and see this grand tapestry of incredible opportunities. We don't ponder the chance of obstacles.

What was even more illuminating was the fact that she is not only a divorced mother trying to survive on her own; but that she is thriving! She was forced to find a niche and she is filling it with everything she has. She provides a service to folks that is intangible and indefinable and beautiful. She offers love and light and joy.

And I, in turn, have turned a pair of seriously ill children into a passion I cannot contain. It is much bigger than I. And those children, my precious babies, have taken a playless, shortened childhood and turned it into an adulthood filled with philanthropy and generosity and kindness and understanding. They have also learned to stand up for what they believe in and speak out for what they are passionate about.

Life is funny like that.

The course we take does not come with a GPS. We must make the most of our stops along the way and enjoy the scenery as we travel. We don't get to go back to the starting line, but at any given moment, you can certainly start over.

Travel well, my friends.

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