Friday, June 14, 2013

Be a messenger

Had a dear friend, yesterday, send me a beautiful email. It was very unexpected, quite touching, and VERY much appreciated. She expressed to me the fact that she had not been aware of all the trials and tribulations that our family had gone through while my kids were at All Children's Hospital. I wrote her back a nice long email, although I'm certain it wasn't truly me that was writing. When I reread it for spelling errors and clarity, I was truly shocked by what was there. Sometimes that divine intervention is a beautiful thing . . .

This is what I wrote:

We are not given hardships without cause.
We are to battle, to learn, and to be victorious.
And, when our battles are through,
we are to use what we learn to bring others to victory.

And then . . . in one of my little daily blurbs came this by Peter Kuzmic:

A credible message needs a credible messenger because charisma without character is catastrophe.

Now . . . call me nutty, but I think there's something going on here! A bigger message is moving through me today!

Go . . . be a messenger!

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