Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Tad Excited!

I do not normally do any 'soap boxing' on here. This space is reserved for uplifting and positive information to make your day a little better.

I cannot help myself today as I am oozing with pride about something wonderful.

Sunday, June 2nd is the 30th Annual All Children's Hospital Telethon. As many of you know, this facility has proven to be a second family to me. They've given me two amazing and healthy children. I give them much credit on my children's wisdom, philanthropy, and generosity. My kids learned, way too early, about way too many things. They missed a lot of their childhood days, but gained SO much more by simply being associated with this facility and the people within it. We have been truly blessed.

Eight years ago this weekend, my son Miles was a featured story on the Telethon. I am thrilled to say there has been a Marinello present at every telethon since then, and we've been blessed with a tremendous support team of family and friends that have helped us to give back to this hospital through all sorts of volunteer and monetary efforts. It is a privilege to do so.

This year, my Miles will be back on there. He has been diligently working on a piece that I have yet to see. I know I will be bawling my eyes out. Everything he does, is touched with greatness, and that in part is due to All Children's Hospital. He lunged at this opportunity for all the right reasons. Not to be on TV. Not for kudos. Not for his second 15 minutes of fame. But to show other patients that there IS life after the hospital. The world is your oyster, should you choose to fight for it!

I cannot find the words or sanity enough, to explain my appreciation toward All Children's Hospital for everything they've given me. My children! My sanity (in bits and pieces)! My life! My passion!

If you are in a position to give, please watch the telethon (locally in Florida on WFLA Channel 8) and donate. If you are not local, you can watch a live stream on-line at and donate there. It is going to be an extraordinary day! Miles should be on between 9:30 and 10:30 am.

Thank you to all my friends and family and to the zillions of folks I do not know, who support the extraordinary efforts and folks of All Children's Hospital. 30 Years of Miracles!

Yes . . . I am A Tad Excited!


  1. Gave me goosebumps!!! So proud and thankful for all of you! Xoxo

    1. Alison, my far-away neighbor, I love you and thank you for . . . YOU! xoxo

  2. I'm telling you - Miles is a NATURAL at this! He did an AMAZING job putting together this video, and the camera loves him.

    You will be VERY PROUD.
    Ann @ ACH

    1. Ann @ ACH - thanks SO much for being such a grand mentor to my children through these past many years. You, my dear, are a Godsend! I couldn't love you any more! xoxoxo
