Thursday, June 14, 2012

Behold, the Power . . .

About a million years ago, I read a book entitled The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. I think I need to reread it and share it with others. I remember that I thoroughly enjoyed the book - even though I'd probably get a lot more out of it now. I remember thinking that THIS was how I wanted to think. Positive thinking and belief really do make a huge difference.

A very dear friend, from my middle school years, posted something on Facebook to the effect of "We Believe What We Tell Ourselves". It was basically a post to remind ourselves that we are worthy, well, and wonderful. It is actually, I believe, Dr. Peale speaking in another form.

You are important. You are worthy of great things. You are lovable. You can be who you are. You are strong. You can do this.

All true!

Things will get better. You can get through this. Everything will work out. The best is yet to come. This too, shall pass.

All true!

Believe with your heart. Train your brain. The power of positive thinking is truly an amazing gift. Thanks, Kate, for reminding me! And for helping me to share!!!

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