Monday, June 25, 2012

Enjoy Every Inch

After a rather roller-coastery type of weekend, We have returned to a tropical storm! Whoopie!

Experiencing a full-service military funeral at Arlington Cemetery is quite the emotional field trip. So much raw emotion packed tightly into a regimented and orderly acknowledgement of one man's dedication to God and Country left one drained and very unexpectedly whisked from awe to sobs to complete respect. And then to traverse our way back to the administration building and to learn that there are an average of THIRTY of those services EVERY day truly brings a reverent hush to one's heartbeat. Seeing the tents, the chairs, the prepared earth . . . waiting to accept another hero just sort of brings home an inkling of what Arlington envelopes. Whew . . .

And then . . .

We flew home yesterday in extremely turbulent weather - that was NOT the most fun we've ever had. Then we got stuck in the monorail at Tampa Airport. That was more fun, but not quite as much fun as we've ever had. Then we got to drive to St. Pete in the storm and high winds across the H.F. Bridge with waves crashing over the opposite lane. That was kinda fun, but very exciting. I'm sure it was less exciting for those folks driving in the opposite lane. We finally made it home all safe and sound! Yay!

And now . . . what we have learned from the entire weekend . . . a bit of wisdom from Nelson Mandela:  There is no passion to be found in playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.

So, although I would highly recommend NOT flying through tropical storms, getting stuck on airport monorails, or driving on roadways that could be engulfed by rogue waves at any moment . . . I would urge you to expand your thoughts and your horizons. Take the road less traveled and where there is no road . . . create a path! You are more capable than you could ever imagine. All you need to do is test your limits. Try new things. Walk in new shoes. Take a new direction. You might surprise yourself in what you can do.

Life is short . . . enjoy every inch of it!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a trip my husband took not to long ago. His suitcase was literally in pieces & he was on the news.
