Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Victor

I know - Lyn, you don't EVER write on Sundays!
Well . . . today is an extraordinarily special day!

Yesterday, I wrote of my FOUR fathers (ha ha!). Those men that helped to make me who I am.

Today, I write of my champion, my hero, the father of my children . . . My Victor!

Our road together has not always been easy. Thank goodness he works in the restaurant business. Having food to eat was never in question! But he has always kept us full in many, many other ways!

He stood by me for the birth of our daughter, Deanna. It was not easy. I actually tore a belt loop off his jeans. He sat with her for hours under the lights at the hospital for jaundice, continued to work, and found the time somewhere to create a giant "Welcome Home" sign for us when she was allowed to come home. The mere sight of it, brought me to sobs!

Although he missed the birth of his son, he more than made up for it. His intentions were clear, from the moment he arrived, screaming at the nurses to point him to his in-labor wife that he WANTED to be there. He visited with baby, Miles, long before he came to see his tired wife and that, too, made me cry!

He did all the father things a dad's supposed to do; throwing balls, playing games, riding bikes, pull-my-finger, bed-time stories, and creating little traditions we still carry on today. He also did much more than that.

He helped to make my daughter's full-torso back brace a game, testing her to see how far and how tight she could close it. I don't think she realized that that very action was helping to straighten her out! He stood by my son, sleeping in God-awful uncomfortable recliners in the hospital while Miles received his infusions. He celebrated every birthday with great joy and silliness, and celebrated even more every victory over every trouble or obstacle. He coached them through high school and now through college and all the challenges of wayward friends, crazy schedules and doing the right thing. Always with, "Let me tell you what you should do . . ."  And always with much, much laughter!

Victor is the champion of my heart! Victor is the hero of all of my dreams. Victor is my best friend, who has stood by me, vehemently, through all the years, all the tears, all the while, through all the smiles, through the heartache, the setbacks, the joyous triumphs, and my crazy schemes. He kept me focused and grounded, and yet still pushed me to pursue my dreams and fly!

HE is my champion, my hero, the incredible father of my babies. My Victor is . . . My Victor!!!!!
Happy Father's Day!

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