Friday, June 8, 2012

To wish . . .

Although I tend to be a people-pleaser, I am also working on learning to do things for me. It has taken many, many years, but I am learning that what I want matters and what I think matters and the things I believe in matter, too. We are each invaluable just the way we are and have plenty to share, to add, and to offer to spice up the world.

I spent a good portion of my youth, I think as most adolescents do, wishing I looked like this model, or wrote like that person, or did gymnastics like that athlete, or played piano like this musician, or a million other things. As I grew older, I wished I had this job, or wished I lived somewhere else, or traveled in different circles. The thought was that the grass was always greener somewhere else.

It took me a long time, two children, serious illnesses, and several deaths to realize that I am EXACTLY who I'm supposed to be, living where I'm supposed to live, with the folks I'm supposed to be with. I have talents to be shared, gifts to be given, and lots of love to lavish on the folks that deserve it.

"To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are."    ~ Sven Goran Eriksson

I might trust too easily, cry too easily, and be hurt too easily. I also fight like hell, am tough as nails, and am as loyal as they come. I clean up pretty well, but would just as readily be throwing around the football in the mud. I am passionate, poetic, philanthropic, and poignant. I am silly, sappy, sweet, and sugary. I am determined, dependable, devoted, and driven. Without me, some lives would be a little less lively. Just as without you, my life would be a little less full.

Be you! Adore yourself. Admire yourself. Accommodate yourself! Accept yourself!

Don't waste the person you are . . .

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