Monday, October 1, 2012

Presence Presents!

When we are younger and there is a birthday, or perhaps during the Holidays, there is an enthusiasm that comes with the delivering of presents. We marvel at the multitude or we shriek in sheer delight at the 'perfect' gift that we were truly hoping for. We tend to tear into things with an unbridled eagerness that sheds a joyous light at that moment.

As we age, we become more conscious of the fact that the gifts we receive have, most of the time, come with great thought and we revel in the notion that someone took the time and effort to truly think about us and our likes. We even, at times, save the wrapping paper. Our enthusiasm and eagerness hasn't diminished, it has simply shifted into more gracious and appreciative actions.

Older still and our wishes for gifts sometimes even stray toward giving to others on our behalf. We have learned the unselfish blessing of doing right by others instead of wanting things for ourselves. I must admit, I haven't gotten there yet, but I will. With healthy children and a best friend for a spouse, food in my fridge, and a couple of dollars in the bank . . . I am truly not in need of tangible treats for myself.

But . . . my friends . . . presents are not always about things in boxes, or wrapped with pretty paper, or adorned with fancy bows. I already got a present today . . . and it's only 8 am. I woke up. I have been allowed to walk steadfast into another day with the opportunity to make a difference, to do a good deed, to positively impact the life of another person. What an amazing gift!

The birds were all chirpy and singing when I let my beloved pooch out. The air was warm and the sky was blue. I sat in the quiet while Max did whatever he does in the back yard. I am blessed with the ability to read and to write and offer kind ~ and maybe even inspirational ~ words to others. It's like Christmas every day!

Today, I hope that you take note of the gifts that are poured at your feet. Unwrap them with that childlike fervor that brings a smile to everyone's face around you. That zeal is contagious.

Make your presence another's presents!


  1. You know just how to break it down to the most important things in life. Thank you Lyn.
