Friday, October 12, 2012


Had an absolutely fabulous evening last night. I spent the evening AWAY from the television and went to Tampa Bay Busch Gardens' Howl-O-Scream. I laughed, I screamed, I giggled, I ran away from all the ghoulies, I almost lost my dinner on a few roller coasters, and just thoroughly enjoyed a few fun-filled hours with my best friend and hubby, Victor.

And then . . . I woke up this morning and WHAM . . . nothing but political darts and disrespectful boxing all over the internet. It continues to amaze me how folks who very much strike me as stand-up, well-mannered, polite individuals can turn into such vile, foul-mouthed, and distastefully rude human beings. Alas, this is what has become of our country.

Whatever happened to:  "Go Team!"?

Why does it need to be "My team is gonna kick your team's #$*&'s! You suck! You are a loser and you stand no chance?" Civility and courteous behavior seem to be making strange bedfellows with, perhaps, the dinosaurs.

The content of your character is your choice. What you choose to believe, how you behave, what you think and how you profess all of that is who you become.

Do you really wanna be THAT guy?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks b! Better to stand united that fall apart! ;-)

  2. I agree. I went to the gym to work off the stress of the week. Instead I heard women criticizing those guys and calling them foul names. I wasn't sure who they referred to since their names were Stupid, etc. I knew they were referring to the debates. The women were so angry that I thought it best to keep my comments to myself. I shortened my workout and headed home. My hubby and I went to a quiet restaurant for a peaceful bite to eat. We had a lovely time without political chatter.

    1. Thanks for the affirmation. Maybe that was just God's way of putting you in a better situation! Good on you! Glad you enjoyed lunch with hubby!
