Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Anyone who knows me, knows I love to eat. Growing up in upstate New York, I was pretty much a meat and potatoes kind of gal, but my first date with my husband was at a seafood buffet bar . . . so I kind of had to change in a hurry. Since then, my tastes have become wide and varied. I will sample almost anything and just enjoy the plethora of flavors that are out there.

Akin to that train of thought, let's talk about people!

You've got your type A's, your quiet, your shy, your reserved, your loud and obnoxious, your overwhelming, your underwhelming, your sneaky, your slimey, your trustworthy, your not-so-trustworthy, your givers, your takers, your worker bees, your born leaders, your leaders who were not born but might be pushed there, your dreamers, your partiers, your systematicals, your put-your-head-down and get-it-done-ers, your lovers, your fighters, your purposefully passionate, your coolly complacent, your do-gooders, and your neigh-sayers, and on and on and on.

Now even though my appetite for some of these types of folks is bordering on nauseau, it takes all kinds to make the world go round. If we were all worker bees, who would lead? If we were all type A's, who would do the work?

I find it most interesting that all these flavors of folks come together to create a smorgasbord of incredible feaasting in a worldly delicacy. It's simply delicious!

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