Saturday, February 16, 2013

Take a deep breath . . .

When my children were in elementary school, one of the teachers used to go around to the classrooms and try to teach the children coping skills. Since these are little children, there were a myriad of teaching options used . . . such as skits, puppets, books, and music. One of our favorite themes and approaches was patience and she used a little song.

"Take a deep breath. Count to five."

Honestly, I cannot remember the rest because that kind of sums up the point of NOT reacting and more absorbing and responding.

As of late, I've been doing a lot of counting to five. Not sure what's up, but it's getting kind of old.

Which brings me to one of my most favorite endings that a red-maned friend of mine and I made up.

"Stick out your finger and poke 'em in the eye!"

Not sure it's the right response, but it makes me smile.

My other favorite alternative is, "When faced with a predicament, start at one and slowly count to ten. When you get to eight, punch the annoying person in the face. They'll never expect it and it'll make ya feel better."

But . . . I must behave. These are just things I only THINK about. Otherwise . . .

"Take a deep breath. Count to five."

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