Friday, March 15, 2013

Ch-Angel of Amazement

For the past few weeks, I have been pretty sick. I've been hacking, sneezing, blowing, coughing, not sleeping, feverish, freezing, and generally miserable. Stir into that mix helping to put on a fundraiser for All Children's Hospital, volunteering for the local middle school, visiting with out-of-town guests, working on another ACH function, preparing for upcoming meetings, working WAY too much, stressing about taxes, vacations, and kids college stuff, treading or not on folks feelings and questioning my own leadership, and one becomes a tad overwhelmed.

Yesterday, during a lengthy shift at work, I was paired up with a new co-worker. Mind you, I am the new one. She's been there forever. It was, however, the first time we worked together. I got there first, still sleepy and groggy from my Nyquil induced sleep, and began the morning. When she arrived I said, "Hi! I'm Lyn. How are you doin' today?" She looked at me, sighed, shook my hand and said, "Hi, I'm Jo. Not too good. My son passed away a few days ago."


Incredulously I asked, "Why are you here?" And together we answered, "You/I need the distraction." My heart just broke. Her 42 year old son, her first child and one of only two, had a massive heart attack and died. And she was at work! And I forgot every single issue I THOUGHT I had. My whole day was centered around making sure she was doing ok, sharing her photos, giving her hugs, and just talking with her.

When I left from work, she gave me a huge hug and said, "Thanks for being here. You really helped. Please keep me in your prayers."

It is amazing how Ch-Angels are plopped into your life at the moment you need them most. In looking to comfort someone else, I lost sight of anything that ailed me. God certainly works in mysterious ways. But those ways are infinitely beautiful compared to what we could come up with on our own. I now have a new Ch-Angel in my life. A beautiful, albeit scarred, soul who obviously lives beyond her own thoughts and troubles and issues.

Thank you, God, for my Ch-Angel yesterday. She was amazing. Her strength has rubbed off on me and I may still be hacking, sneezing, blowing, coughing, not sleeping, feverish, and freezing . . . but the generally miserable thing exists no more.

God bless my Ch-Angel Jo in her weekend of memorials, memories, and faith. xoxo

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