Monday, March 11, 2013


A diamond is a wonderous thing. Created under such pressure and emerging as a beautiful, precious, priceless gem. It is truly remarkable.

What sparks my interest today is the many, many, many facets of a diamond. Without the many multiple faces of this valued rarity, the diamond loses its sparkle; its appeal; its worth. It takes every facet, created to minute perfection, to bring forth a showpiece. Each facet, connecting each to the other, complimenting one another, brings that dazzle forth.

Today, remember that we are each a necessary facet in any and every project, task, and triumph you are a part of. You are a valuable piece of what will eventually be a beautiful work of art. You cannot be a brilliant diamond with only ONE facet. You need to be surrounded by the clarity, the cut, the color of the multitude of many other necessary and supplemental facets.

Go . . . be a part of something brilliant!
Shine and dazzle!

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