Monday, March 18, 2013

My 'Sweetness'

As I am still continuing to try to recover from whatever ailment has attacked me, I was spending a Saturday without work attempting to catch up on things I've neglected. Coughing and hacking and being pathetic, I worked my way through various mazes of paperwork, name tags, creating miscellaneous things, paying bills, doing spreadsheets and what not. When the call of some much needed vitamin D crawled through my window, I simply gave up on my chores and went outside to relax and read my uplifting little book.

While sitting in the warm Florida sun, enjoying reading about how the Lord moved so fabulously in a young girl's life, with my sweet old pooch at my feet, my cell phone rang. Not sure I wanted to answer it . . . it rang a few times. Hoping it was neither work asking me to come in or some belligerant person looking to give me more grief, I apprehensively flipped my phone open to answer it. (Yes, I still have one of THOSE phones!)

With one simple "Hello" my whole world was instantly transformed! This little Ch-Angel, who decided to track me down after some several years is one of my most favorite folks in all the world. This gentleman, whom I had worked for years ago but who had become so much more to me and in my life, was looking to find me. And find me he did! As though we'd seen each other yesterday, we chatted about everything under the sun ~ the good stuff, the bad stuff, health, work, kids, family, and laughed the whole time.

I'm not sure I can envelope in words the kind of simple comfort this man exudes, but he has always blanketed me with kind and loving tenderness and, for that, I am more thankful that I can explain. He is a man of faith, of tenacity, of perseverance, of patriotism, of God, of love, and of calm. He, from the very beginning, has just been a source of strength and guidance for me.

For all those things, and so much more, my Ch-Angel John ~ thank you! Thank you for changing my whole day, my whole weekend, my whole month. You are a joy and a wonderful blessing. You are my 'sweetness'!

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