Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Beginnings

Ah, a new day!
Today I begin my day as a 45 year old! Ugh! Still, it is a new year full of possibilities and opportunities. The chance to make new friends, see new things, do new stuff and reinvent myself.

Today, my 'baby' begins his college adventure. I pray for a successful day full of new ambitions, new avenues, new viewpoints. I am hoping he will take advantage of all the prevailing winds to chart a new course to wherever his little heart desires.

My daughter starts the beginning of the end of her two-year degree. She has chosen a new path, a new vision, and a new focus in her life. I wish for her all the successes she could hope for and that her hurdles are low and easy ones to learn from.

Hubby and I begin a new session in our lives to start, again, to enjoy one another on a more personal level. Having weathered more than twenty years together, our journey each day is filled with new prospects, new scenery, and new discoveries ~ in one another and the world around us.

Today, I wish for you all a day of new beginnings. If you were blessed with waking up today, you have the incredible opportunity to do something magnificent with your day.

What a fantastic day today shall be.

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