Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Single Teardrop

The devastation in the Northeast due to Hurricane Irene is absolutely incredible.

Mother Nature is a fickle woman with powers beyond our comprehension. The havoc she has created and the destruction she has unleashed takes a little while to sink in . . . unless, of course, you are there. Still, I think there is a period of shock where you cannot comprehend what you are seeing . . . or not seeing any more.

I come from a tiny little area in upstate New York. Parts of it were torn up pretty badly. Thoughts of having pieces of my childhood that could be gone forever are very saddening to me. Thank God, though, my memories are mine to keep. My brothers are all well and safe, although it now takes them twice as long, and longer, to get anywhere due to road closures . . . or road non-existence.
My heart is with you.

Folks in Florida say, "Now they'll appreciate what we go through." Who wants to 'appreciate' these sorts of things? Any hurricane any where is horrible. I wish you all as speedy a recovery as possible. If you are healthy, with family intact, then you are among the richest folks out there. Stuff can be replaced. Memories can never be stripped. Family and friends are among your most treasured possessions.

And remember . . . a single teardrop on earth summons the King of Heaven.
My heart, love, and prayers to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Lyn,
    Your wise words are felt from the heart for sure.
    An ancient saying from the I Ching goes something like this:

    "When one is out of harmony with the times, and out of touch with those close to you, your greatest possessions have already been lost."

    xxx, H
