Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July my friends! I hope that you enjoy yourselves safely and responsibly wherever you might be this evening. And, although the 4th would not be the same without BBQ's, apple pie, and fireworks ~ let us not forget to celebrate our Country!

Let us retreat to what our grand Nation was founded upon and for our hard fought independence. We are a great Nation with liberties and freedoms some folks only dream about. Sadly, we've taken those liberties and freedoms to extremes and seem to be minimizing our very existence. Give good thought to our Red, White, and Blue! Give praise to those who came before you and fought for all your freedoms that you can abuse if you so choose. Remember that we are still the greatest Country in the world, despite our bickering and political nonsense! We can move beyond that. We've overcome tremendous odds - and we will again.

Enjoy your burgers, your beer, your fireworks, your family, your apple pie, your ice cream, and your holiday. Remember, though, in light of Andy Griffith's passing, . . . the world needs a whole lot more 'Mayberry' and a whole lot less 'Jersey Shore'.

God bless you and the USA! Happy Independence Day!

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