Monday, July 23, 2012



Everyone needs a place of  refuge. A place where you can either hide, or unwind, or let loose, or relax, or refresh, or recharge . . . or all of the above!

It might be a good book, a quiet room, a comfy chair. It may be beside a babbling brook, sunbathing in a poolside chaise, working in your garden. It may be getting lost in the Word, sitting hand-in-hand with your love, playing the piano, drawing, taking photos, or perhaps just taking a long, long walk. It could be just some quick meditation, a few deep breaths, or a lengthy jog. That secret place of refuge is different for every person. But it is a vital place to visit and you need to visit it EVERY day.

Recharging your body, soul, and mind is not only crucial to your own existence, but it helps your interaction with others. When you have yourself whole and intact, you are better able to help others find their happy place. It's just a win-win. It's even better when you have several little havens that you can duck into when you need a little respite. No preparation, just a quick little pick-you-up when you need it most. Sometimes, simply closing your eyes and wiping your mind clear of all the nonsense absolutely works wonders!

Find your refuge. Visit it frequently. Enjoy it! Embrace it!