Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sense of the Senseless

Sometimes, VERY bad things happen. Humans tend to want everything neatly and categorically explained, boxed up, and put away so as not to have to mull it over too much. We like there to be a reason, a justification, or a defining cause to horrific events, catastrophes, or wrong-doings. It is truly against all human nature to perpetrate the likes of the wickedness that took place in Colorado just a short while ago.

We cannot fathom what would cause another human being to do what this person did. We cannot fathom the likes of the actions of the Columbine shooter, the mom who drove her two boys into the lake, the mother who drown all of her children, and the countless other stories of this nature. How do we begin to make sense of the senseless?

I believe the first step is to realize that making sense of the senseless is impossible! No one will ever really know what drives people to do these things. No matter the source of their troubles, does it really constitute their actions? No matter the hurt they have suffered, do they not understand the multitudes their actions effect? Whatever pains and problems they've faced, do they not have a choice?

I will never pretend to understand the actions of others. Especially those who turn to such horrific atrocities as that of the movie shooter. I find solace only in knowing that prayer and faith and God will lead those who are suffering. Hurt and loss doesn't ever truly go away, but stepping forward in the faith that God has a purposeful twist to it all does help. It doesn't make it better. It doesn't make it OK. It doesn't shorten the grief or lighten the sorrows, but it is a comfort that will envelope you, should you allow it.

My heart and my prayers are with all those victims out there. Some are lost to send a message. Jessica's words are truly inspiring and provocatively heart wrenching. Some are made into unwilling heroes simply trying to do the right thing. Futures are lost and hearts are broken, but God offers peace to those who are patient enough to accept it.

And no . . . there is just no way to make Sense of the Senseless.

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