Thursday, April 25, 2013



Today, the last Thursday of April, is National Pay It Forward Day!

This is one of my most favorite things to do in all the world. I have been so blessed in my lifetime; and if you read yesterday's blog, you might be asking yourself, "Really?" The answer is yes!

You cannot count your blessings if you do not understand that you've been given grace. To fully accept a generous kindness you must be fully aware of the LACK of kindness. I have struggled through many an issue, battled many a demon, fought through many hardships. I have ALWAYS managed to find a silver lining - no matter the issue. And, in finding that silver lining, it is imperative that you acknowledge it, thank God for it, and help it to continue its journey!

Thus . . . Pay It Forward!

It need not be a grand gesture.

Sometimes just helping someone with groceries, buying a coffee for the person in line behind you, sharing a smile, a kind word, a helping hand, an open heart. Simple things, for you, might mean the absolute world to someone else.

You simply have no idea what kind of ripple you can begin if you just decide to Pay It Forward!

Today, first ponder all of the kindnesses of strangers that have been dropped in your lap.

Then . . . PIF!

Go Pay It Forward!!!

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