Friday, April 19, 2013


When I was younger and immensely and intently involved in body-building, I was really relatively strong for a person of my stature. At 112 pounds, I was squatting 180 or more. I was curling 50 to 60 pounds and occasionally amazed myself at the strength that seemed to come from elsewhere to perform certain gym functions.

As I have aged, I have re-evaluated the term 'strength'.

Sometimes, I believe it has to do more with endurance. We are tested many times during our lives and our strength is measured proportionately with our perseverance. Can we prevail over the unknown? Can we walk when we have no idea where we're going? I don't care if you can lift a car over your head, that sort of strength is beyond definition.

Sometimes, I believe strength has to do with forgiveness. Don't ever confuse forgiveness with forgetting, but forgiveness is a strength that has a tremendous amount of benefits. I have forgiven hoardes of folks who have hurt me; physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have risen beyond their petty games and belittlement to forgive them their ignorance and move forward focused on a more positive path.

Sometimes, I believe strength has everything to do with faith. Whatever faith you believe in, that unconditional trust in something unknown and intangible takes more strength than Charles Atlas could ever muster. To take an unstable step toward an unsteady future, knowing that there is an entity to guide you, to keep you safe, to love you, and to raise you up is a strength born of indescribable courage.

And, sometimes, strength is just going out to the driveway and kicking the ever-living snot out of your kickbag because you've got a little pent up energy.

Whatever strength you need today . . . I wish you plenty of it!

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