Saturday, August 11, 2012


Are you ready for some football???  Heck yeah!!!

With the football season quickly approaching, and pre-season already upon us, it's that glorious time of the year when we get to watch grown men beat the snot out of one another whilst running up and down a beautifully manicured lawn. I absolutely LOVE it! Throw in a dash of college football and there's not a place I'd rather be on any given weekend (or Thursday or Monday) than parked on my sofa, rooting on one team or another!

But, I digress . . . to one of the greats and a great bit of wisdom he did impart. So, for those of you who are NOT football fans; maybe this will begin to bring you around. They are NOT all 'meat heads'. This little gem is absolutely fabulous!

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
~ Vince Lombardi

It applies to football, sure. It also applies to absolutely every other facet of life. Perfection is one of those blurry and lofty unattainables, but . . . should you choose to pursue it, amazing things can happen. Today . . . go chase perfection!

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