Friday, August 10, 2012

A moment please . . .

I'd like a moment please.

I'd just like to take a brief moment to introduce you to my children: Deanna Marinello and Miles Marinello. You can find them on Facebook and friend them if you'd like. They are very friendly people. That is just one of the many gazillion reasons why I like them.

They are both simply beyond their years. They grew up faster than they needed to and better than I could have ever imagined. Miles struggled through a life-threatening auto-immune disease for seven years or so, and beside having to watch him and help him and sometimes take a second seat to his treatments and limitations, Deanna battled Scoliosis treatment for over a year and flew through avoiding surgery. They amaze me!

They have learned humility. They have learned generosity. They have learned philanthropy. They have learned to speak beautifully in public. They are definitely people persons. They are strong and dedicated and determined. They are tenacious and stubborn. They are happy and they are healthy. They are beautiful.

I knew I always wanted children. I knew having children would be hard work. I never imagined things would be as difficult and sometimes seemingly unmanageable. But . . . together, along with their absolutely incredible dad, we built a life of faith, of strength, of sarcasm, of silliness, and survival! I cannot express to you, in simple words, the pride I have for my 'babies'. Not even with scholars and dictionaries.

If you do not yet know my children, I hope that one day you will have the distinct pleasure of meeting them. If you do know them, I know you're shaking your heads in agreement. There is just no denying how phenomenal they are. I have been truly blessed! They are Ch-Angels through and through.

Thank you for your time!


  1. AMEN! Your kids are PHENOMENAL and absolutely because of you and Vic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
