Thursday, August 9, 2012

Celebrate your success!

We all measure success in different ways. Some of us measure it by amassing wealth and gadgetry. Some of us measure it by procuring fame. Some of us measure it by who and how we help one another. Some of us measure it by simply waking up to face a new day.

We know not the struggles and troubles of anyone else. Do not be quick to judge another's actions . . . or inactions . . . because they do not measure up on your scale of importance. Each scale is different and terribly personal.

I was in an accident when I was a very young girl. The windshield of the vehicle shattered and I got glass in my eyes. This was nearly forty years ago. I consider it a HUGE victory to simply put eye drops in my eyes. Most folks would laugh at that, but I know what an obstacle I've overcome to do so. Such a simple task - taken for granted.

Take each day and its blessings as the joy it's meant to be. Of course you could dwell on your troubles, your problems, your strife, your sorrows, your weaknesses. But why would you want to? There is so much in the world that is beautiful. Open yourself up to those great graces and find another way through your woes. Remember that your success is only truly measured by you! Only you know how far you've come, what you've accomplished, what demons you have faced, and the obstacles you've climbed over. Every one is a victory.

Celebrate your success!!!