Saturday, August 4, 2012

Life Lesson #452

There are many life lessons I have learned. One of which is no matter how much or how strongly you care for or love someone, you cannot change them. That is THEIR choice and THEIR decision to make. And sometimes, as painful as it may be, there may come a time when the best thing you can do for that person AND yourself is to walk away. You have to love them enough to let them grow up, change, and develop. Your health, your sanity, and your soul cannot survive the struggles it takes to wallow in a pitiful sorrow that is not your own, to merely wish and hope that person may change.

Some of you won't like this post, and that's ok. Not sure how many times you have put your life on hold, allowed life to pass you by, or let opportunities dissipate because you were hoping someone might act a certain way or wishing someone might possibly behave differently. You can support them from a distance. Walking away doesn't mean turning your back on them. And sometimes, the only way to truly help them is to help yourself first!

Remember that we are ALL worthy and valuable. We ALL have talents and gifts to share and no one should drag or weight another soul down. If we each encouraged others to soar, to flourish, to grow, to achieve . . . there are no limits we could not surpass! But there are those who choose to flounder and only feel comforted by the discomfort of others. Wish them well and pray for them as you point your shoes in another direction!


  1. Amen!!! I am reminded to press through and not let the choices of others ruin my day and hold me back in living out mine. Prayer and walking with the Lord has helped me to let go and let God. It is a daily trial. I am reminded daily to love those difficult ones in my life. I later see things happening when I let go. I must reiterate the word "later". There is waiting involved. How we don't like to wait in this "Instant Society". But I have seen the fruit as I wait and pray. His peace and joy has helped me in the waiting. The Lord gave us free will. He wants a relationship with us and desires our love in return, but will not force it upon us. Many don't want to follow God/Jesus so why would they jump for me.
    Thank you for your blog this day. I needed to hear it this morning. God Bless You!!!

    1. Oh so much more spiritually and beautifully put than I could muster . . . but the sentiment's the same! Thank you for that and thank you . . . for you! xo

  2. Amen Sister! So true, so true.
