Thursday, August 30, 2012


This is not about man vs. woman. This is not about boss vs. employee. This is not about wealthy vs. destitute. This is not about the celebrity vs. the average Joe.

This is about people!

I believe in the relative core goodness of people. I believe most people have within them a gracious heart full of love and compassion and joy. Now there might be a person out there who thinks that life has taken advantage of them. And maybe, just for a short span of time, it has. That does NOT give you the right to yell at me, belittle me, call me names, insult me, and defile me.

You have your right to believe what you choose. I have my right to believe what I choose. It really is as simple as that. You have not lived my life. I have not lived yours. I am not going to judge you - with words or actions. You should steer clear of doing the same.

Now, before anyone sends me a flurry of emails, no one made me mad. No one upset me. I am peachy keen! I am, however, tired of folks and their rantings of THEIR opinions as if it's set in stone and the only possible course of earth's progress. Add to those rantings the use of belittling, yelling, name-calling, insults, and basic defiling of others. It's disgusting!

Civility and communication are lost arts. It's a little disturbing. There's no detached debating any more. It's all or nothing, out-for-blood, my way or death sort of conversing and it is just plain sad. Makes me weepy.

I am equal to you. You are equal to me. Our thoughts are equal. Our beliefs are equal.

Can't we all just get along?

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