Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Get Going!

You always have a choice! No matter the situation, no matter the problem; there's always an option. Theodore Roosevelt put it superbly when he said:

In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing;
the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing;
the worst thing you can do is nothing!

Make the effort! Put in the time! Odds are you will not be hired as the CEO of some large company on your way out of your high school graduation. You might have to be the company gopher. You might have to flip burgers. You might have to sweep floors. Golly, you might have to sweep floors AFTER you flip burgers AFTER you're the company gopher. The key is to keep moving. Keep striving. No task is beneath you if your goals are above you. You must begin some where in order to get any where!

So, do the right thing. Or, do the wrong thing and learn from it. But, please, oh please . . . don't 'do nothing' and hope to find advancement. That is simply ludicrous!

Go on . . . get going!


  1. Wow... I couldn't have said it better. The generation these days are sitting around doing absolutely nothing waiting on that job where they have no boss, make their own schedule and get paid well for it while all the time thinking that's what they deserve! Whatever happened to the work ethics of our time where you worked your butt off just to become someone's right hand person... you worked all day long under the guidance of someone at minimum pay just to make ends meet!!! Also, the point you made about choices... I tell my kids all the time there is always a choice in every decision they make! They have the choice to do or not do, the choice of right or wrong, there is always a choice!!!

    Thank you so much, Lyn! It seems you always hit the nail right on the head at the exact moment I need it. Thank you for the hit on the head!!!

    You are the best, honey! Miss you!

    1. Lori - thank you SO much for your kind words. Believe me, some of what I write is written from personal experience. Some of it is what I visually absorb. This generation will figure things out . . . eventually. And let's just hope and pray that they will teach their offspring from the life lessons that they have learned. You're a great mom! Doing and saying all the right things. It will all be OK. Thanks, again, for being you! I might come see you today! :-)
