Friday, December 30, 2011

Disposition . . . or datposition

We can only control our own actions. We cannot force other people to act in a certain way or behave in a certain manner. Well, actually, we could but we'd probably end up in prison!

As Martha Washington said, "The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances."

When you head through life with as positive an outlook as possible, things seem to be a little easier to deal with. When my son was diagnosed with a life-threatening auto-immune disease; we chose to face it as something to move beyond. We did not let it consume our lives; although, in reality, it took up a lot of our time and energy. We did not dwell on that, though. We focused on what lay beyond the treatments and what we'd do afterward. There are folks that wait every week for lab results, and maintain logs of numbers and facts and things of that nature. We just chose to NOT be a family suffering from Dermatomyositis, but rather a goofy, silly family who had a hurdle to climb before moving on to the next goofy, silly thing to do.

When faced with an angry person, whether it is in the grocery store, the mall, the road, or at work; instead of stooping to engage in their ridiculous behavior, try giving them a simple smile and move along. You'd be amazed at how confused they become because you will not give them acknowledgement of their poor behavior.

Each day you wake up, you have the choice to make: "Do I want to be happy, or crappy?"  I hope you choose the first! As my mom would say, "You can be happy with 'disposition' or 'datposition', but just be happy." It is all a matter of choice. I hope 2012 is a year of good choices for you and that your disposition . . . or datposition . . . determines your circumstances and not the other way around!

Smile! It does a body good!

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