Wednesday, December 7, 2011


My little daily devotional today reads:

Sometimes we look so intently toward the top of our mountain that we stumble over the steps leading to it. The journey begins just where you are with blessings in every step.

This, today, strikes me as quite poignant. A lesson each of us can learn . . . and relearn . . . and then learn again! Patient, persistence, and appreciation!!!

A very dear and wonderful friend of mine, who has spent a very long time devoting her career and efforts to a fabulous cause was recently let go. Not only is the holidays a horrible time to lose your job, but losing your job in today's economy is a nightmare no matter when it happens. In speaking to her, to ensure she was ok and in a proper mind-set, she surprised me! She expressed joy in the opportunity of being able to spend more time with her children; to be at home more as this job literally consumed her; and to refocus her efforts on finding something that better suits her ideals. She acknowledges her blessings and realizes that this is only an open door through which lies untold possibilities! She is a Ch-Angel through and through! God bless and enjoy your new freedom!

Another dear friend has had an issue with one of her children. In wishing that her child would behave a certain way; come home and realize the love that awaits her there; cherish the family unity that she's lacking . . . she is overlooking the beauteous joys of her other children. This woman is one of the best moms I know. Her 'missing' child will eventually see what has been before her this entire time. You cannot force her to react or behave in a certain way. You simply pray for her safety and health. And you realize how amazing a parent you really are! Your other children adore your love and affection. Shower them with all you have.

No one said that life came with either directions or a guaranteed joy ride. Life is what it is. Savor the special moments, bask in the beauty that surrounds you, and realize the incredible blessings in every step of your journey. Travel safe, my friends!

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