Saturday, December 17, 2011

Enjoy the ride!

So sometimes I really, really wish it were possible to take our children, or other younger people we know, open up their heads and shove all the stuff we know and have learned in there. This would help to avoid heart ache, turmoil, trials, depression, anger, and a host of other bumps and hurdles in their lives.

Alas . . . it is not possible!

So today I sit in prayer and thought about a great many things young people face today. Joblessness, crazy education expectations, ease of divorce or breaking up, sex and its 'complications', balancing life and work and family, and more. As I ponder this, I try to think back to when I was in my late teens and early 20's. I guess I was no better; thinking I could handle moving a thousand miles away from home, without a job, to live with a boyfriend, to be independent, because I knew everything. The battles may have been a little different, but the struggles are the same.

Maybe I wish someone had opened up my potato head and stuffed their revelations in there. Maybe they tried! Oh the lessons I missed. And the lessons I learned!! And I guess the great merry-go-round of life just continues to spin. I know that every now and again, you'd like the ride to stop so you can catch your breath and wait for the nausea to pass, but that's usually when you spin a little faster. Hang on! It WILL get better! The expectation of vomiting will pass and will be replaced by the joyous rush of wind through your hair again! That is life!

Enjoy the ride!

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