Friday, December 16, 2011

I love my Angels!

Sometimes, when we do the right thing, we are shown little signs of pleasantries and gratitude!

Yesterday's blog was in reference to a rather ugly day at work the day prior. I had a minor meltdown and you all helped me through the ordeal. I tried to maintain some dignity throughout the actual ordeal; not lowering myself to her rantings and poor behavior. I came home, instead, and vented to my support group who helped me through.

So . . . I went to work yesterday, and was greeted by several co-workers who immediately asked if I was ok and that they surely agreed with me that the woman's behavior was just uncalled for and childish. That was really kind of nice. I went to my designated dressing room where a tiny woman with an indiscernable accent requested I try to find her another shirt in a different size. Although this is truly NOT my job, the customer always comes first, so I sauntered out on my designated quest. I found her her shirt and when I knocked on her door, her enthusiasm was apparent and she said to me, "You are my Christmas Angel." What more would EVER need to be said to me to make my day?

A few hours later, another woman approached me for assistance. I could much more easily understand her! Thank goodness! She requested direction to a specific department and when I pointed to the area she wished to visit, she turned her head to look and . . . lo and behold . . . beautiful angel earrings! They just sparkled at me! I smiled!

Another hour or so down and I was returning merchandise to racks. A third woman approached me in reference to a shirt the mannequin was wearing. Her size was nowhere else but on the mannequin, so together we laughed as we assaulted the poor plastic person, got her her shirt and replaced it with a new one. She commented that it was "Divine Intervention that she ran into someone willing to undress the displays." She continued, "I've never met a Macy's employee that would just do that on the spot." Lucky me! I was divinely inspired!

And, while sending her on her way, who appears but one of my most favorite people in the world, Tina! You'll read about her later in an upcoming Ch-Angel blog, but for today . . . she was just a beautiful, beaming brilliant bright spot to an already fabulous day. She explained that she had just dropped off a gift for me at my home and hubby had said she should visit me at work. She had shopping to do, so she took him up on his offer! We chatted for a while and let me tell ya . . . ANY time with Tina will put you in a fabulous mood! She is just amazing! (Side note . . . when I got home, there sat her present . . .  an angel picture and story!)

And, before I wrote this today, on my perpetual calendar reads: The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us.

It was all just a reminder that I need not remedy the ill-willed people of the world. I am always cared for and watched over . . . by my angels . . . whether here on earth, or up above!

Thank you one and all!

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