Friday, January 18, 2013

Ask not . . .

JFK brought this line to light 'way back when'.

"Ask not what your country can do for you . . ."

Most of us know the rest of it, but I'm thinking it goes WAY beyond the finishing half.

Every person loves a little windfall. That $20 you find stashed in an old coat pocket. The $5 on the ground in the parking lot. The already open door when you were wondering how you were ever going to get in carrying all those groceries.

Those are simply chance bits of blessings that happen to us. I'm referring to the "what can I do for my country . . . my neighbor . . . my friend . . . the struggling stranger . . . the person who looks to be hurting . . ." 

If, just for one day, you chose to look through the glasses that allow you to see what others are feeling and needing, instead of those that seek to find what you can get for yourself . . . for that one day, the world would be a better place.

Imagine a world where folks opened doors for each other, where neighbors helped you carry in groceries, where your word was as good as any binding legal contract, where you pumped the gas in the cold for the little old woman driver so she could stay warm, where you helped someone in need because it was the right thing to do - not for the kudos, where your home was open to all sorts, where you heart was open to everyone. What a fabulous place that would be, right?

Today . . . ask not what this day can give to you. Ask what you can give to today!

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