Thursday, January 3, 2013

Careful . . .

You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.

I have told my children this since they were wee little pups, and it certainly covers a tremendous amount of ground.

If you choose to stay up half the nice, partying and drinking and have to work the next day . . . you had best show up looking fresh as a daisy and ready to go. Don't turn your bad decisions into someone else's issues.

Should you be sick and weary and worn out, do not bite the hand that literally feeds you. They are only trying to help.

Should your team win in glorious fashion, do not gloat and boast and demean others. As sure as rain falls DOWN, your team will lose in glorious fashion at one point and you will NOT like how it feels to hear what's coming.

Should you maintain strong opinions on a topic because you believe yourself to be correct, remember there are others with equally opposing opinions and they believe themselves to be correct. An open mind is a wonderful thing.

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you. Not because they are nice, but because YOU are.

This is really a simple concept although a little difficult for human nature. Practice realization before reaction and you just might see a better world!

Careful . . .

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