Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Seek the stars

In asking little kids what they want, or want to be, most parents follow it up with . . . "The sky's the limit". I recently read a quote by an unknown author that made me completely rethink this . . . and it's WONDERFUL!

The sky has never been the limit.
We are our own limits.
It is then about breaking our personal limits and outgrowing ourselves to live our best lives.

When we overcome the fears that hold us back, we are truly capable of anything. Whether you dislike public speaking, large crowds, learning new things, or whatever your issue might be; when you face it and conquer it . . . you can seek the stars!


  1. Speaking of stars, just videotaped one of your favorites -- OLIVER!

    Hogs and quiches,
    Ann @ ACH
