Monday, January 7, 2013

Be You!

I have never thought of myself as being amazing or beyond belief, but I am aware that I am me. I am the only me there will ever be. There will not ever be, as long as the earth continues to spin, another individual who embodies my talents, my passions, my drive, my enthusiasm, my emotions, my soul, my being. I am me. Take it or leave it . . . this is it.

My truly close friends have seen the best and worst of me, and still love me. My truly close friends have walked with me through valleys of deep and dark despair and have also celebrated with me atop the highest of joyful triumphs. They know every inch of me and wouldn't change a thing.

I have always told my children that they can be enamored with a star, a celebrity, or some famous schlep for a time, but to just always be yourself. When you try to emulate others . . . well, we know from Multiplicity that copies are just never as good as the original.

'Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.'
~ Judy Garland

Truer words have not been uttered. You are a marvel. You are a miracle. You are worthy and wonderful. Be all of that marvelous, miraculous, worthwhile and wonderful person you've been obliged and gifted to be.

Be You!

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