Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thanks Edie!

I have an absolutely beautiful friend who is woman of great faith and a woman with a badge! She just wields all sorts of weaponry as far as I'm concerned! You'd be a fool to cross her!

Actually, this person is the first person, beyond family that I called after my mother passed away. She has just always been an incredible source of strength, support, and love for me. I cannot imagine getting through life without her. We do not talk every day. I rarely see her. But I know that she is there . . . always!  She is a constant! She is unassuming, accepting, and genuine! I am honored and privileged to call her my friend.

She posts on most mornings, a little snippet of positivity. It usually involves a verse or two from the Bible, but a recent post truly hit home and need not be related to the Bible. It stands on its own and sits at the core of all earthly beings!

" . . . we who are many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."  ~ Romans 12:5

As a society, we have moved away from being neighborly. We have estranged ourselves with texting and emails. We seem to have removed the integral importance of touch, communication, and fellowship . . . in any form. We need to return to those vital forms of being human for it is in those personal intimacies that we learn to respect and value one another and learn and grow as a human race instead of running to win the human race. There are no winners. We must assist each other throughout this marathon to reach the proverbial finish line.

Thanks, Edie, for your illuminating and wise words. You're a Ch-Angel in my book!

God Bless, my friend!

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