Monday, January 28, 2013

Count your blessings . . .

I actually heard someone yesterday say, "I wish those folks that are all happy and content would just stop announcing it everywhere. I wish they would just lay low." Or something to that effect.

I must have looked like a strangled puppy as my head nearly turned right upside down in question.


This I do not understand.

If I am happy, content, feeling overwhelmingly loved and enveloped, and am just dripping with joy . . . you bet your sweet bippy I'm going to be shouting it from the rooftops!!! In fact, I think that if more folks would do the same, there might actually be a movement for more people to seek out that same sort of happiness. It is there for ANY person to find. You just need to look.

Now, granted, there are times when life kind of seriously blows! We've all experienced that. Maybe that's why I will gladly proclaim each victory I receive. I have witnessed the alternative and I know how truly blessed I am to receive the positives. I will NOT be muted in my enthusiasm.

I do not know what happened to this person, who doesn't want to hear good things. I cannot fathom wanting to be bathed in anything EXCEPT blessings and beauty and bountiful bliss.

I wish for them . . . a multitude of graciousness to befall them and for them to find the nearest pulpit to profess their plethora of pleasantries. I will sit, front row, cheering them on and wishing them more of the same.

Be well today and count your blessings . . .

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