Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another Ralph-ism

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph sure knew what he was talking about, eh? My only exception to this statement is that "lived well" is a relative term and I think that being useful, honorable, compassionate, and making some difference . . . makes you happy! So it turns into one of those vicious circle things; but in this case, a very good vicious circle!

To be useful:
Find your passion! Seek out a cause that truly tugs at your heartstrings and let it lead you to accomplish great things. Don't be swayed by someone else's passion. Sure, hop on the bandwagon if it's a worthy cause, but find your own source of surge and you will surprise yourself with the things you will undertake and overcome!

To be honorable:
In seeking your passion and making it known, follow an honorable path. Do not stray to an easier path because it's easier. Stay true to yourself, your ethics, your morals, and your passion. If success is gained through scandal . . . it is not success. Perseverance paves the way for honor.

To be compassionate:
Care. Consider. Contemplate. Compassion is the ability to feel for another and to act on that. This is a selfless, thankless, and faceless task. It is what you do, because you know it is the right thing to do. It is to move beyond your own needs to favor the needs of someone else. It is fabulous.

To make a difference:
What more can any person hope to do? Save an animal. Save a child. Save a species. Save the planet. Save the arts. Feed the hungry. Soften the sadness. Acknowledge the troops. The options are endless.

And, for all that hard work, commitment, sacrifice, and hope . . . Happiness!

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