Saturday, October 15, 2011

What's brewing?

I grew up in a very large household . . . both in size and occupants. It seemed, however, very small in opinions. There was really only one that mattered, and it certainly wasn't mine.

Whether the topic was politics, religion, work, money, jelly utensils, elbows on the table, or where the train tracks might lead; it did not matter what you thought and you dare not spoke because the step-dad would always speak louder and more forceful than you, in turn . . . making you wrong!

I don't know that I can say it's a bad thing. Because of his near-bullying tactics, I kind of adopted a rather jovial, frivolous outlook on everything which kept me out of the bowels of the screaming matches . . . most of the time. However, it also kept me clinging to the positives in everything to simply move beyond the yelling and belittling.

What it has done, I've realized thirty years later, has created this tentative, timid, tiny little mouse person who is afraid to share her viewpoints and opinions. I am truly working on this. I don't think I'll ever go stand on some soapbox, but I'm realizing that I, in fact, DO have opinions and thoughts and have EVERY right to express them. People still hurl insults and accusations, but I'm also learning that it's MOST important to know that YOUR thoughts and opinions are YOUR own. You are entitled to them, deserve them, and thankfully we live in a country where you are free to express them. Guess what, though? Me too!

I would not ever force feed you my favorite food because I enjoy it. Nor will I force feed you my religious beliefs, political viewpoints, or personal opinions. I would thoroughly enjoy not being force fed yours. You can believe what you like, but don't tell me I'm wrong because I don't agree. You can offer me information, but don't sling verbal abuse. This country allows us the freedom to think! That is its beauty!

And please, do not EVER squelch the budding minds of our youth! They have every right to make their OWN decisions and form their OWN opinions. I make it a point NOT to force my kids to believe what I believe. I have enjoyed their attending different churches, I discuss political issues without debate or screaming, and I don't tell them I'm right cause I'm the parent. I think it's vital that they, especially this generation, are allowed to think and express themselves. As desperate as times may seem, inspiration is usually a direct result. Let's hope there is inspiration a-brewing!

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