Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Entertaining Angels

Simple kindnesses have made lasting impressions and eternal differences. We've all heard the stories of how a kind gentleman helps a lady change a flat tire in a rain storm and she ends up leaving him all of her earthly possessions or various versions. Some are true. Some are simply spiritual stepping stones to help you make better choices.

My theory is much more easy. No changing flats in rain storms, although, please . . . if you ever see me on the roadside with a flat tire in a Florida rain storm . . . STOP! Rather, to do the right thing when you see it needs to be done. It doesn't need to be a grand gesture and it surely doesn't need to be in hopes of some reciprocation. It should just be done because it should just be done.

Helping people is one of the most joyous, most enlightening and wonderful activities there is. I'm not saying that you should house every homeless person or feed all the panhandlers. But you can offer them an opportunity to help themselves. Give them a bit of self assurance, a little dignity back, some self respect. It's astounding what one can do with a smidge of self respect.

Give up your seat to an elderly person. Offer guidance to your fellow shopper who looks lost. Allow the multi-lane-changing driver to get in front of you so he can get to the red light 4 seconds before you. Help a needy neighbor. Allow that mall shopper the tiny convenience of unloading their daily burdens on you. It helps them and you can filter it quickly. A listening ear, a soft heart, a tender touch, a genuine gift of generosity goes a long, long way.

Remember Hebrews 13:2, "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."  And you know how I love my angels . . .

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