Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Best Medicine

If laughter is the best medicine, I must be seriously healthy!

Thursday night, I spent many hours stumbling around Busch Gardens for Howl-O-Scream. To allow yourself that silliness to be scared out of your skin and laugh about it, is just a fabulous release. I spent the night dodging zombies, beasties, crazy stalker people, and tip-toe-ing through many haunted houses. I jumped, I screamed, I laughed, I ran away, and I just generally had an absolutely amazing time. It felt good to let go for a little while.

Friday, I tied up a few loose ends and generally got a lot of stuff done. It always feels fabulous to accomplish things and I got just bunches done! And all while in the company of my husband who just makes me giggle most of the day. Friday, he decided to pick up on the way I say "squirrel" and it hasn't stopped since. It's quite silly! It IS a two syllable word, isn't it?

Friday night we drove to Tallahassee, went to the party down town and on Saturday, hubby, Miles and I went to an antique car museum and then to the Seminole game. The museum was absolutely amazing and I cannot believe we've never been. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is passing by, loves cars & antiques, or just wants a little history lesson. It was amazing! We laughed our way through the two-story facility when we weren't standing in awe of this man's collection.

On to the game and FSU provides quite an aura! The stadium was pretty packed and lessened the chill in the air. We joked, chanted, chopped, and willed our team on to a wonderful victory. The whole time we just laughed and several times I really thought Miles would lose his lunch, he was laughing so hard. It was just an absolutely fabulous weekend. I couldn't have asked for a better time.

And so, in closing today, I wish you laughter. I wish you the brief and fleeting moments of letting your hair down and relaxing enough to really and truly enjoy what is around you. Find the lightness and frivolity that exists in simple things while in the company of folks you care about!

Be well . . . and laugh!

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