Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Trails!

I enjoy a long car ride, as long as the scenery is interesting. Four hour interstate drives do nothing for me. I love driving along the coast, adore a beautifully wooded winding road, could not get enough of driving around Teton and Yellowstone, and through places like Georgia with the mossy trees and the Blue Ridge Parkway's vistas. Just delightful.

I usually get sunburned, but thoroughly enjoy a good long boat ride. We never intend to stay out very long, but a beautiful day on the water tends to beckon you to 'stay a little longer' . . . and we happily oblige. The views from the water are different ~ connected but disconnected all at the same time. The things you see on the water are just so soothing and peaceful. I just love it!

And, on different days, I would hurt someone to hope on a motorcycle and hit the open road. Wind therapy, as some of my dear friends call it, is a joy unto itself and just brings you a freedom unknown to most other modes of transport. And, when you find yourself alone on the open road, the peace that ensues is just undeniable!

Not so speedy, but just as thoroughly enjoyable is a bike ride ~ the self-powered kind. I'm not talking about the suited up and sporting the fancy shirts and funky shoes kind. I'm talking about communing with nature on an old dirt road with the bumps and thumps and breeze in your hair. Squinting as the sun gleams through the leaves and you're just free to pedal as fast or as slow as you choose as you absorb all the blessings you pass by.

And, of course, a personal favorite is a simple stroll. Through the streets of . . . say St. Augustine, in the sand on the beach, on a trail through the woods, or simply on the arm of my husband or in the company of my children. Stretching my stumpy little legs, breathing in the air around me, and just taking in the sights and sounds of wherever we may be . . . it's just joyous!

Remember that happiness is not a destination . . . but more a way of travel.
Happy trails!

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