Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bring It!

As I sit here quite excited that I can actually walk today and my back pain has eased up a bit, I am still baffled how it can move northward and now I cannot take a deep breath. Life is interesting like that, isn't it?! Seems as quickly as one cumbersome issue fades into the background, another insidious problem pokes its little nose in your business. Well . . . Bring It!

Although I might not have been running around like my normal, crazy self yesterday, I still managed to get quite a few things done on the computer and via phone calls. I refuse to be defined by the ineptitude of my physical self. I have contracted the "Pink Bunny Syndrome" and I keep going and going and going . . .

It is entirely in the attitude you muster each morning. How will you face your day? You have the choice to start your day "happy or crappy." You are the only person who allows other people to hurt your feelings or belittle you. You may not always be in control of what occurs, but you are most definitely in control of how you react to everything that happens around you. You are in charge! Every day may not be 100%, but you can attack it with all you have and you won't ever feel unworthy.

Today, I wish for you a "happy" day. I hope your efforts are rewarded with grand results and I hope you enjoy all the blessings that abound around you!

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