Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Miracle of Melding

I have been blessed with the task to oversee a group of incredible volunteers that will come together and create a shindig to benefit All Children's Hospital. This event is just a few months away and now begins the crazy time of requesting, begging, inquiring, hoping, and praying for a positive and productive outcome. We would like to draw in upwards of $30,000 in one night. It is, by no means, impossible ~ but it will take the miracle of melding to come to fruition!

This amazing group contains leaders and followers. It envelopes worker bees and queen bees. There are the fearless and the fearful. There are those who work in the recesses of their abode; and there are those out there pounding the proverbial pavement. Some are quiet and reserved. Others . . . not so much. There are definite 'type A' personalities and some more diminutive personalities. There are the heavy lifters and there are the point-and-direct-ers.

What I find most challenging is to place each person where they will have the most impact. With all these special talents and intricate enthusiasms, there is a balance that must be maintained to coordinate these beautiful souls into one orchestrated masterpiece. I know that things will come together at the end. We will have a fabulous event and we will be blessed to provide the hospital and our local therapy center with much needed funds and support. If we all continue to envision that end goal, the work seems a little less tedious; a little less stressful; a little less like work.

I don't know how I'm doing as a 'conductor,' or as 'Mr. Wizard,' mixing up these concoctions of people and their aptitudes; but I am quite certain that the 'miracle of melding' will take root and the results will just be stunning! I cannot wait!!!

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