Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On a positive note . . .

Today, I am lucky. I woke up to see my son off to school. He leaves very early for two classes, then heads to the middle school to volunteer, then back to college then home to dog-sit and then to his girlfriend's. Hubby is off today, so I get to play with him. We might hit the gym or something else and we'll be having a nice dinner together. Maybe I'll get really lucky and my daughter will call home and say hi. That'd be super. I'm also hoping for some more good news on the Margaritaville front.

I have learned, in my 100+ years, (ha ha) that a positive outlook usually garners positive results. Garbage in, garbage out. Good in, good out. It's very relative to every aspect of life. In that regard, I will be watching less and less tv over the next 10 months. I cannot handle all the negative advertising. When did that become acceptable political behavior. When did your positive attributes and achievements become so trivial in comparison to your failures and skeletons. I'm fairly certain we ALL have failures and skeletons. Those that pretend to be above that are usually the ones with the biggest closets!

I will recess to my home, my friends, my family. They are my positives. They are what makes life worth while. Should I need to go live in a cave later on, then so be it. But I will find a large enough cave to invite all those folks that have made my life better!

Keep it positive folks!


  1. positively...wonderful blog. I loved yoir writing about those pretending having the biggest!

  2. positively...wonderful blog. I loved yoir writing about those pretending having the biggest!
