Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My little Max!

In pondering what my topic could possibly be this morning, along came a sleepy, furry black face which was laid on my leg, followed by a paw for scratching! Genius!

Maximus Mako Marinello came home with us at just 8 or 9 weeks of age. Max was the runt of a litter of 13 puppies. The folks had been asking $500/puppy but gave us Max for only $350 because he was small and the last little pooch. Hubby held him like a football for most of that first day while we got Max a few toys and a new leash. Right off, Max was brilliant. He was trained to go out within a week. He never chewed up any toys, except for a giant dog bed and Miles' ankles!

He learned commands very easily and even knows hand gestures, too. He is a very chill pooch, although we seriously never thought that would happen. He was pretty hyper for many years. He barks at us when we go in the pool cause he wants to save us, but he won't go in the pool. Silly dog! He is not anti-social but rather non-chalant when meeting other dogs; but does NOT like cats or egrets. He is just content to be out, on his leash, sniffing and peeing on everything!

Max has been with us now for ten years. His paws, face, and eyebrows have all whitened considerably. He 'speaks' to us . . . no, not barking, but rather grunting, grumbling, and whining for attention. He is literally like a little kid who complains til he gets the attention he wants and gets super excited when it's time for a walk or a car ride. His sweet brown eyes would melt the most adamant dog-despiser, and that paw in your lap just invites all kinds of love.

He spends every morning in the office with me while I blog and answer emails. He goes out to the back yard to do his 'business,' but won't leave the patio til I give him his morning hug. He sleeps most of the day now that he's entering his golden years (do black labs have golden years?). He wiggles himself silly when his dad comes home but won't let me near him til Vic has petted and loved on him to his approval. And when Miles comes home . . . WOW! Besides him knowing that it's 'walk time,' there is just a bond without description there. It's very heartwarming and beautiful.

There's nothing quite like that unconditional, constant dog devotion. What a pooch - my little Max!

1 comment:

  1. :smiles: and warms my heart to hear of the joy every dog brings! : )
