Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Pictorial Picnic

To say that the holiday season is a little hectic might be a teeny bit of an understatement. Throw in a little seasonal action at Macy's, a working boy, trying to schedule picking up a daughter without a vehicle, a hubby who works a gazillion hours a week, decorating, undecorating, cleaning, organizing, blah, blah, blah and life seems to be just a little stressful.

I will let you in on a little secret; one of the most therapeutic activities I've taken part in in quite a while. Yesterday, my mission, besides organizing the photo albums that were returned to the previous winter wonderland that is my dining room, was to take a giant box of pictures that has been sitting in my hall closet for literally years and organize them into more photo albums.

Now I know that things have gone the way of digital these days, but there is just something about a photograph that captures time . . . and the heart! I spent seriously several hours sitting poolside (thank God it was really beautiful here in Florida yesterday) digging through old photographs and putting them in albums. I scanned a few and sent 'em to my niece. She has incredible blackmail opportunities now! I got a little teary. I laughed out loud. I wondered who some of those people were. I marvelled at growth and change and old friends and my absolutely incredible family. I shrunk in horror at my senior portrait proofs, giggled AND cried at my mom's Ramblin' Gamblin' money with my brother's faces on the bills. What a beautiful trip I took yesterday without ever leaving my patio.

When you need a little pick-me-up, whether you're creating or just thumbing through, grab an old photo album and do a little reminiscing. Ahhh, the pleasantries of a pictorial picnic!!!

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